Department Of Aruvai Maruthuvam (Surgery)

About Department

It is evident that surgical practices in Tamil history during Bakthi ages between Seventh and Twelfth century A.D was very popular. There was a great development during this period in Siddha system because most of the Siddhars are said to have lived, in which Surgery was a well developed science. It can be understood from the following literary evidences that

“உடலிைட ேதாறி ஒைற அதத உதிர ஊறி கடற ேவேறா மதினா யரதவ” (“Incising the haematoma, blood letting was done followed by cauterization and healing it by external applications”)
‘Kamba ramayanam”

“””அயேவ……………………… …………………….நகல இெபாதகற காதமா மணய வாக”
(“The piece of the spear left in the body was removed completely using magnet”) ‘Kamba ramayanam”

In “Nalyira Divya Prabandam” written by Vaishnava Saint “Thirumangai alwar” “வாளால மவபா மாளாத காதƒ ேநாயாள} ேபாƒ”

(“ I love thee O’ lord like a patient who loves his surgeon despite the procedures of surgery and cautery”)

There are some historical evidences too to prove the existence of surgical practice in Chola Kingdom. There was an hospital in memory of Sundara Chola at Tanjore, in which a doctor, Pharmacist, a dresser and two female nursing assistants were performed duty.
There are some clinical conditions which can not be addressed through medical managements. Surgical treatment is the only option to address such kind of issues. Those are listed in the syllabus and curriculum of BSMS course. There are suitable specific traditional surgical practices recommended by siddhars to treat successfully. They are also being taught to the siddha medicos.
Due to the advancement of the Science and Technology, some traditional surgical practices are become out of date. More over emergence of virulent pathogens due to abuse of antibiotics and non availability of herbal analgesics due to narcotic abuse made traditional surgical practice into pathetic situation.
Any how, medicos should be able to differentiate and diagnose surgical conditions exactly and to do the needy surgical treatment hence this subject is included in the curriculum. In our hospital, an OPD with two specialists and IPD with 15 beds, this department is functioning. A minor operation theatre with required infrastructure is functioning. An experimental surgical lab is established in the department for teaching purpose and better understanding of this subject.