Siddha makes a beginning in skill arena – Varmam Assistant Therapist Qualification Pack for National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) validation


Health Sector Skill Council (HSSC),New Delhi and Santhigiri Siddha Medical College together taken up the process of validating Siddha Varmam Therapy Assistant qualification and related norms, regulations part in a meeting as a part of Orientation workshop on Ayush skills conducted on 9th August 2023 in the forenoon session.


The delegation was welcomed by the head of Santhigiri Healthcare Research Organisation Swami Gurusavith Jnana Thapaswi at the administrative block of Santhigiri Siddha Medical College. Ms.Anshu Verma,AGM and Dr.Neha Sharma of HSSC gave the introduction and modalities involved in the validating process of a skill based course. From Santhigiri Siddha Medical College the Principal Dr.DK Soundarajan, Vice-principal Prof.Dr.Hariharan, Dr.Jenifer Lancy, HoD, Sirappu Maruthuvam department and other faculties who were part of the syllabus framing committee participated in the session. The proceedings have covered extensively the syllabus and regulations . The course is designed for the new candidates and the modified portion to serve the traditional practitioners under recognition of previous learning segment.


The HSSC team later visited the institution and went through the various programs conducted by Santhigiri Ashram in its Health care Zone, Research Zone and Spiritual Zone. They were very much appreciative of the institutional framework suitable to conduct such skill courses and the ability of the organisation to provide employment to the candidates who passed out of such programs.